Understanding workers comp law is the first step in preparing your self in the event that a workplace injury ever happens. However, it can be a bit complex to understand all at once.
To slow things down a bit and provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject, it’s important to understand the basic timeline of a workers compensation claim. So here is the basic outline of what a standard workers comp claim looks like.
Immediately after a workers comp claim is filed, the employee affected receives the necessary medical treatment and notifies their supervisor about the accident and how it occurred. In addition, the employee must file a claim in writing within 30 days of the incident, though as soon as possible is urged. After all of that they must file a claim with the Board on Form Employee Claim (C-3) by mailing the form to the appropriate Board District Office.
Within 48 Hours of the Accident
The doctor must fill out a preliminary medical report and mail it to the appropriate District Office. Additional copies need to be sent to the employer or their insurance carrier, the injured worker, and their personal injury lawyer, if they have one.
Within 10 Days of Recording the Accident
The employer must the injury to the Board and the insurance company.
Within 14 Days of Receipt of Employer Report
The insurer must provide the affected employee with a written statement of their rights under the law. In addition, if the insurer requires claimants to obtain diagnostic tests, it must notify the claimant of the name and contact information for the network it intends them to use at the same time it sends the written statement of the employee’s rights.
Every Two Weeks
The insurer, within 18 days of receipt of employer report, makes payments of benefits to the affected employee, and is required to inform the Board if and when compensation is stopped or modified.
After 45 Days
The insurer assesses the affected employee’s need for rehabilitation or continued treatment.
The timeline of workers comp law can be a drawn out one, but if you follow all of the necessary procedures in a timely manner, you’re sure to have a smooth transition and case.