Every year in the United States, more than 4,774,000 women suffer physical violence from an intimate partner. Since it’s something that people don’t like to talk about and something that happens behind closed doors, it’s sort of a problem that seems out of sight, out of mind. But domestic violence abuse does exist, and it is a problem.
1. What is domestic violence abuse?
Domestic violence abuse is, simply put, violent or aggressive behavior in the home or other intimate setting, which generally involves some dynamic of control over another person. It can take a number of different forms — emotional, sexual, financial, and so on. The most known type of domestic violence abuse is physical, and it generally involves a close couple or a family.
2. What are the consequences of a charge?
A domestic violence charge can result from someone being accused of assaulting a person in their family, their spouse, or someone else that lives in their home. The consequences of a charge can vary, from the loss of a driver’s license to more serious repercussions. Additionally, domestic violence cases can result in different types of restraining orders.
3. How can people get help?
People in domestic violence situations might be hesitant, but there are resources for them to get help. Only 25% of women who are physically assaulted report it to the police. Doing so and getting a restraining order is a good first step, but it’s important to also find good support groups and other resources to get in a solid path toward recovery. Finding a lawyer who can help get a restraining order and through a court case for a permanent one is helpful.
Do you have any more questions like: what is domestic violence abuse, what the consequences are, and how people can get help? Feel free to ask us in the comments section below. Check out this site for more.