It is possible that you can be ordered to go to an addiction treatment center as a result of causing a car accident. If that is the case, you will have to be ordered by a judge to go to such a facility. However, this can be part of what the judge orders. In fact, it is considered an act of mercy by a judge that decides to send you to such a center instead of directly to jail.
You might work out something with your attorney to pursue a deal where you can be sentenced to an addiction treatment center instead of having to go to jail. There is no guarantee that the prosecutor’s office will agree to do this, but there is no harm in at least trying to get this kind of deal.
Make sure you think about the addiction treatment center that can help you create the kind of help that you might need and how this could actually be a good thing for your life. You might feel like it is a punishment, but the reality is that you are getting something that can help you improve your life for the better. Bare that in mind when you are seeing what you can get out of a legal deal.