When you need legal advice, no matter what your financial situation, you have a right to fair representation. For more than 40 years, it has been the goal of Community Legal Services Inc to help the people of Philadelphia get the legal services they need for civil legal matters, advocacy and more. Community Legal Services helps low and moderate income clients find free legal aid programs in their communities, answers to questions about their legal rights, and find forms to help with their legal problems.
Understanding the legal system is tricky enough. When you don’t have the funding to hire an attorney, it can be devastating. But Community Legal Services Philadelphia understands that just because you might not have access to resources doesn’t mean you don’t need help.
Community legal services inc is also one of the largest and most experienced low income legal aid providers. The advocates at CLS have helped more than 18,000 Philadelphians on matters ranging from consumer fraud and predatory lending, preventing homelessness, ensuring fair treatment in the workplace, and protecting women, children and the elderly. Since inception, Community Legal Services Inc has served more than a million at risk individuals receive the legal care they needed during their most critical times in life.
If you need help understanding which practice areas of Community Legal Services might best serve you, take a minute to browse the community legal services directory for a complete listing of legal services provided. This section offers information on various topics, including family and child advocacy, people with criminal records, language access, public benefits, disabilities and aging, and more. And if you don’t find the information you need, speaking with a representative of Community Legal Services Inc may help point you in the right direction.
Using the following principles, Community Legal Services Inc works for equal justice for all. Legal services, including all filing fees, court costs, interpreters, and translations are provided at no or low cost to clients. Clients can achieve equal justice by having a lawyer represent them. From administrative and fact finding hearings, clients will receive help at any legal level. Services provided by Community Legal Services Inc are of the highest quality no matter what your income bracket. The legal needs of the Philadelphia community drives Community Legal Services Inc to know what the needs of the community are, and how CLS can meet those needs. Don’t wait to get the legal services you need. Community Legal Services Inc can help.