Find Legal Representation with a Low Income

Community legal services philadelphia

If you are in need of legal representation in the Philadelphia area, but have not sought it out because of budget restrictions, you should consider community legal services inc.If you are not familiar with community legal services or the community legal services directory, their mission is to help low income Philadelphia residents to obtain equal access to justice by providing them with advice, as well as representation in civil legal matters.

Community legal services Philadelphia also believes in continued education for their clients, to educate them about charges they are facing and the justice system in which they have become intertwined. The community legal services inc of Philadelphia specifically works with civil legal matters, so if you are in need of criminal legal representation, you may need to continue your search.

Community Legal Services houses nine different legal units including community economic development, childcare law, aging and disabilities law, employment disputes, family advocacy, housing, and public benefits.

There are several great benefits to working with community legal services. Self representation in any legal matter can be difficult for someone who does not have extensive knowledge of the legal system, which can result in a loss of your case, or a harsher penalty. Working with community legal services inc not only helps you to be properly represented, but also helps you to learn more about the system that you are working with.

If you are considering working with the service, there are a few eligibility requirements you must meet. Clients must be Philadelphia residents, with an income that cannot exceed 125 percent of the federal poverty level (in 2009, $27,562 per year for a family of four).

CLS employs 48 full time attorneys, 34 paralegals, two social workers, and 20 administrative staff. Many CLS attorneys are nationally recognized experts in poverty law, all who are ready and willing to assist you with your case. If you are needing legal representation but do not think you can afford it, consider working with community legal services inc. It could be the difference between a win or a loss of your legal case.

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