Six Ways to Know It’s Time to Get Rid of the Timeshare

Are you thinking about trying to getting rid of a timeshare? No one’s quite sure how many American own a timeshare–estimates range from 3% to 7% to even 9% of households, but most financial experts agree that timeshare properties are not good investments or good for the average budget. How do you know what it’s time to call a timeshare attorney and get some help in canceling a timeshare?

  • You don’t have time to use it. This happens more often than you would think. People buy a timeshare before they have kids, and then they find that taking a vacation is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Life simply changes, and you don’t have time to use the property. Don’t pay for the privilege of using something if you never actually have time to use it.
  • You never really wanted it in the first place. Some people just have a terrible time saying no. They went to the sales pitch for the timeshare in order to get the free gift, but couldn’t resist the hard sell. Or maybe they signed up for “more information” and what they started receiving made it sound as if they had already committed to something. If you really didn’t want to have a timeshare at all, it’s time to cancel.
  • The fees keep going up, and up, and up. When you first acquired the property it seemed like something you could afford. But now, the fees keep going up. There’s always a reason: there was a natural disaster and the property has to be repaired. They want to put in a new pool. Whatever the reason, it’s not impossible for your timeshare maintenance fees to triple with very little notice. If you’re on a budget, this can’t be sitting well with you.
  • The timeshare isn’t being maintained well. Maybe the fees aren’t going up all that much, but you’re not satisfied with the property now. In the beginning, it offered everything you could want, but it’s been a few years and the resort is facing financial issues. They aren’t keeping up the landscaping, or the outdoor activities have been curtailed. You’re still paying the fees, but you’re getting less for your money every year.
  • You financial situation has changed. Maybe you’ve had a few kids or someone has had a serious illness. Maybe you’re ready to buy your first home, or simply want a vacation property that belongs entirely to you alone: a true investment. There are a lot of reasons that your financial situation might change, and when it does you want to know how to get out of a timeshare contract.
  • The contract you’re in isn’t fair or was misrepresented. This happens more often than you would think. Sometimes it takes a timeshare attorney to help wade through the details of deliberately obtuse contracts that limit your right to sell, cancel, donate, or otherwise get rid of a timeshare.

Whether you’re selling a timeshare and running into trouble, trying to cancel a timeshare and being given the run-around, or just want to find out all the legal options available to you before you do anything else, getting a timeshare attorney is the best way to get help. Don’t keep paying for something you don’t want, can’t afford, or didn’t intend to buy in the first place. Find a timeshare attorney near you and get out and on with your life.

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