Find the Right Attorney to Help You Through Bankruptcy

Truck accident lawyer

If you?re looking to file personal injury bankruptcy, or a similar type of bankruptcy, we have the type of attorneys that will work with you to get the job done with minimal stress and headache.

Between high medical bills and missing too much work, it?s easy to find yourself staring down the possibility of bankruptcy. Let our attorneys help you through the process. They?re experienced and knowledgeable, and rightly so, especially when you consider the fact that 62% of bankruptcy filings here in the U.S. are linked to medical bills and prolonged illness.

Attorneys are worth the investment. By hiring an attorney to help you through the process, success rates for Chapter 7 bankruptcy claims averages 95% or higher! They generally cost between $1,500 and $3,000, but the payoff will be worth it in the end.

It?s also wise to keep a list of reputable attorneys for the occasional accident or personal injury that might lead to long term absence from a job. For example, employees slipping, tripping, or falling make up a large chunk of general industry accidents, and a startling 15% of accidental deaths. They?re second only to motor vehicle fatalities, of which over 37,000 people die from each year in the U.S.

If you find yourself having to file bankruptcy, don?t fret. Bankruptcies resulting from occupational illnesses and injuries are quite common. In fact, there were 3,007,300 of them reported in 2013. The majority of bankruptcy filer salaries are less than $30,000 per year, and nearly 8% of bankruptcy filers have filed once before.

So if you need to file for bankruptcy, reach out to one of our many attorneys and let them help you through this chapter of your life.

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