When you decide to file bankruptcy, the first thing that you need to do is to look for reliable bankruptcy attorneys with whom you can work. They can make the procedure a lot easier for you since they’ll answer questions that you might have such as “Can you file bankruptcy on personal loans?” As a result, you’ll know exactly what you need to do as well as what you can expect at every stage of the process. You should also try to do some research of your own, searching online for answers to concerns like “What happens if Chapter 7 is denied?” and “What happens when a person files bankruptcy?”
Knowing the basics about bankruptcy can help you plan your finances in the future, enabling you to safeguard your future. When you have an idea about what happens from doing some research of your own, you can have clearer and more effective conversations with your lawyer. You’ll know the right questions to ask, which could save you time and help you get a resolution faster. Make sure that you know about all types of bankruptcy, including Chapter 10 bankruptcy. This can enable you to know which one is the best one to choose for your specific situation.

Filing for bankruptcy isn’t easy to do on your own. In most cases, the filing process takes several months and requires a significant amount of your time and energy. If you’re like the average person and aren’t an expert in filing for bankruptcy, it’s in your best interests to seek help with filing bankruptcy to make sure your bankruptcy is approved by the courts.
But what if you aren’t sure where to turn for help with filing bankruptcy? Don’t worry — here are four of the best sources for help filing bankruptcy:
1. Free legal clinics: There are a number of bankruptcy courts across the country that offer free legal clinics and informational sessions for people seeking help with filing bankruptcy. These are a great option if you’re still not sure if you will ultimately file for bankruptcy and just want more information on the process and what a bankruptcy entails.
2. The Internet: The web is a vast hub of information on bankruptcy in the U.S. — and chances are, you will be able to find the answer to any question you may have about your bankruptcy by conducting a simple web search. However, the only way to get personalized counsel for your unique situation is to speak to a legal expert or an attorney.
3. Pro bono attorney sites: Not everyone can afford the legal fees for hiring a bankruptcy attorney. And if your financial situation prevents you from hiring a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, there are a number of places where you can find a directory of bankruptcy attorneys who represent clients at no cost. You can get the same legal counsel and help with filing bankruptcy, but it won’t cost you a dime.
4. Your Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney: Once you’ve found an attorney to represent you in your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, he or she will be your best source of information and advice as you file for bankruptcy. For more information see this.