Three Things You May Not Have Known About Protection Under Civil Rights Laws

There are certain rights that we all have to live and to be safe and those are referred to as your civil rights. Though it is hard to believe that in a country as progressive as ours that your civil rights can be violated, they certainly can. In this case, you need a civil rights lawyer that can help answer, “what are my civil rights as an American citizen” and what to do if your rights are violated. Violation of civil rights is more common than you might imagine and a great violation of civil rights attorney can help you take ht next steps and offer discrimination help that you might need.

So, what does a civil rights lawyer do? To put quite simply, they work to argue that your rights have been violated and work to help protect your civil rights so that you can live a happy and safe life. Knowing what to do and how to approach a civil rights violation can be so difficult but with the right help you can start to get back on the right track and you can get back to a life that you are happy to live and that you feel safe in.

Police misconduct attorney minneapolis

The struggles of civil rights activists didn’t end decades ago. These issues are ongoing and violations of the law still sadly occur. Fortunately, more laws are in place today than ever before that protect citizens from unfair treatment, extending to areas of life ranging from employment, housing, education, healthcare, law enforcement, and other public and private spheres.

If you suspect that your rights have been violated in any way, you have the right to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney. Here are three things you should know about civil rights laws and how you are protected under the law:

You are protected from discrimination.

Whether you’ve faced issues with trying to secure housing or you’ve been targeted on the job, you have legal protections in place if you are from any protected class. Protected class refers to any legal categories that a person may fall into and be discriminated against. These include race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and other factors. If you have dealt with discrimination or other institutional biases, you have the right to contact a civil rights lawyer to discuss your case.

You are protected in situations with police.

The news recently has had many stories involving police misconduct, often with unarmed civilians getting shot by officers. Whether you have been physically harmed, coerced, intimidated, or otherwise treated unfairly by officers, you can seek legal advice from an attorney. This also goes for situations where you or another person has recorded an interaction with a police officer, as this is generally considered legal in most situations.

You are protected even if you are arrested.

Those who are in police custody, in jail, and even in prison all have basic legal rights in order to protect them from harm. Just as police misconduct is a civil rights offense, so is abuse faced while incarcerated. Hiring a prison abuse attorney is often the best way to get help for these issues, especially if civil rights laws have been violated in any way.

Have more questions about your civil rights? Be sure to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. You can leave general questions below.

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