Why All Seamen Need To Have A Maritime Injury Lawyer On Their Side

Working on the coast can present a unique, and dangerous challenge. Injury does happen offshore, and if a lawsuit is warranted you wouldn’t want to trust just any business attorney to handle your case. A maritime injury lawyer is someone specially trained to represent these types of cases. If you have experienced a maritime accident, here is why you should seek out this type of injury attorney.

What Is A Maritime Injury Lawyer?

  • These types of personal injury lawyers focus specifically on maritime law and the cases that involve it. Maritime law was written specifically for the industries that revolve around it, meaning a traditional lawyer won’t necessarily be familiar enough with it to adequately represent a case. A Maritime injury lawyer is trained to handle cases that revolve around any accidents, injury, or illnesses that occur as outlined in maritime law to protect those who work offshore. These laws can be complex and easily misunderstood by those unused to them. An estate planning attorney, for instance, wouldn’t have the necessary training.

Why Do You Need A Maritime Lawyer?

  • Anyone who works on a ship, or an offshore facility, is entitled to compensation if they are injured. This compensation should cover any medical and living expenses while they are in recovery. Despite this being mandated under maritime law, there have been times where insurance and employers fail to cover their dues. If an employer or insurer is refusing to pay the specified amount, a maritime injury lawyer can ensure that the injured party receives their fair share.
  • Investigations into injury cases can also be complicated by conditions offshore. This is one reason many companies can try and skimp on the bill. It can also be easy for companies to try and skew investigation results so that they come out on top. Having a trained attorney on your side means this is more difficult for them to accomplish. They can oversee investigations and insure that a true and fair result is reached.
  • Seamen can also have the option of receiving wages that were lost due to their injuries, in addition to compensation for pain and suffering. Even Maritime workers, such as harbor-men, are protected by specific acts that ensure they receive what they need in the event of an injury. A maritime injury lawyer will be able to outline and detail everything, and give you options about how best to collect what you are due.

Common Employer Faults

These are a few of the most commonly cited employer errors that have caused maritime injury.

  • Failure to provide adequate safety training to staff.
  • Failure to ensure that all machinery and equipment is in safe functioning order.
  • Failure to provide adequate safety gear or clothing.
  • Failure to provide needed break periods leading to fatigue and human error.
  • Failure to maintain a debris and hazardous material free work space.
  • Failure to provide warning and safety signs.
  • Failure to provide stable ladders or climbing equipment.

A maritime layer will be able to work with you to build a case around your specific incident, and while these are just a few of the most common examples, they are in no way the only ones.

If you work offshore, or in a job that is protected under maritime law, having a trained lawyer on your side can mean getting fair compensation should any injury occur. Many lawyers are able to work on a contingency-fee basis, and as such, you won’t be required to pay them upfront. They can also work with you on payment plans so that paying them is the last thing on your mind. Don’t take chances if you work offshore, or if you have already been injured. You are entitled to fair compensation, and a trained lawyer can help you get it.

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