Are You Involved in Contentious Legal Proceedings Regarding the Implementation of a Will? Find a Quality Probate Attorney

Updated 10/24/23

If you’re involved in a disagreement regarding a loved one’s will, you’ll need professional help to resolve the situation. Although you may wish your loved one had an uncontested will, you now need the services of a team of probate attorneys. These specially trained lawyers will work with you to interpret the will.

Help With Probate Law

Probate law can seem challenging, but the terms of the deceased’s will take precedence over any other claim. Your probate attorney will know the best strategy for how to win a probate case. In order to prove your right to receive a bequest, your lawyer may assist you in obtaining a certificate of inheritance. This certificate is a notarized document that legally reinforces your claim to the inheritance.

Find a Probate Attorney

It is very important to contact a probate attorney as soon as you discover a disagreement regarding the Will. Without assistance, the Will could continue in probate for an extended time. This could prove problematic since the statute of limitations on probate is three years after the death of the person who made the will.

Lake wales lawyer

Are you currently involved in a situation in which the will of a deceased family member is unclear or may be enforced unfairly? If so, you will want to make sure you familiarize yourself with the probate process, which may give you the opportunity to go through legal channels to question the the wording, interpretation, or implementation of a will.

In order to help guide you through this probate process, you may want to seek the services of a probate attorney specifically, or an estate planning attorney. The entire situation may take anywhere from a year to a year and a half to be resolved in America. If finances or property has already begun to be distributed, they are often considered “frozen assets” until the probate situation has been finalized.

Daily Finance reports that about one-fifth of adults in the United States recognize the importance of estate planning and intend to put time and energy into it as a result before the year is out. Unfortunately, nearly six percent of adults in the United States don’t fully appreciate the importance of having a will when it comes to dividing property or monies, also according to Daily Finance.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be among that demographic. IF you have more questions, comments, or suggestions with regard to the probate process, feel free to share them all in the forum below.


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